unBla method: foundations

Posted on Tuesday 3 June 2008

The foundations of the unBla method are publicly available here:

Wolf, Patricia & Troxler, Peter
The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating—But What was the Pudding in the First Place?
A Proven Un-Conferencing Approach in Search of Its Theoretical Foundations

Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 9(2)

admin @ 10:02
Filed under: Background

Posted on Sunday 11 November 2007

unBla is becoming a method — officially — in a forthcoming paper published in the online journal “Forum Qualitative Social Research”. The title of the paper is “The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating — But What Was the Pudding in the First Place? A Proven Un-Conferencing Approach in Search of Its Theoretical Foundations”. The paper will contain, of course, the theories behind unBla — but also a lot of practical video illustrations — which can be sneak-previewed from blip.tv’s unbla07-channel

The second KnowlegdeBoard book: Hands-On Knowledge Co-Creation and Sharing: Practical Methods and Techniques contains a wealth of unBla and related methods and techniques. It has been favourably reviewed and commented on on Ed Mitchell’s blog.

Here is an excerpt: VisualPowerNetworking

Peter Troxler @ 05:21
Filed under: Background andMethods